Sales Projects

Sales Interview1

During the sales projects discovery phase we work with you to understand and assess your business goals, high level processes and requirements.  We facilitate definition of the sales projects, objectives, roles and responsibilities.  Following discovery, we complete a Statement of Work outlining the scope, key project steps and activities.  In the planning and design phase, we conduct a detailed business process analysis to identify gaps between current processes and business requirements.


Project 1



Through understanding of customer corporate initiatives, products, services, and growth strategies, develop programs to target measurable performance in key areas.  Increased sales from $5,000 per month to $150,000 per month over a 2 year period and made company profitable in 5 months.  Actual customer growth from 5 to 258 over the same 2 year time frame.


Project 2

Business Meeting


Assisted another client in developing a takeover strategy of a major competitor and developed the C-level relationships necessary to allow the transaction to happen.  Assisted in the development of a merger with a 3rd company, again through strategy development, targeted milestones, measurements of success, successful negotiation process leading to a 100% growth in profitability.


Project 3

Sales Strategy


Transitioned two new business units from start-up through to full-scale operation and grew annual revenues from zero to $5 million within two years.  Developed and executed business plan, set up business processes and financial reporting systems.  Responsible for recruiting, hiring, and training of sales personnel.


Project 4

Sales Results


Participated in due diligence leading to the successful acquisition of a company that started a new market area valued at $3 million in revenues over a three-year period.  Evaluated client database, opportunities, sales process, product availability, delivery, sales results, growth and strategic development process of the acquisition candidate.